-calling earth! calling earth!
-are you listening? are you listening?
-is this a long distance call?
-oh, good, youre on, too, sean, stay on, somethings wrong with this...
-dont be afraid! dont be afraid!
-you sound familiar, you sound like...sound like me actually.
-thats because we conditioned our vibrations to yours.
aha! are you getting that, sean?
-you will not blow up earth! you will not blow up earth!
-oh, thats good to know.
-you are wisdom, you are love.
Human civilization is in a state of hibernation,
Well grow to know the planets full distribution.
The world as our reflection will regain its circulation,
Our life span will meet our life plan of starpeace.
Human civilization is in a state of isolation,
Well learn to reach out for terrestrial communications.
Well make our first migration from earth to other constellations,
Our life span will meet out life plane of starpeace.
Love is our energy source, wisdom is our power source.
Health is our nature resource,
Growth is our future resource.
Join the state of the universe,
United state of peace.
Join the state of the universe,
United state of peace.
Starpeace, I see you growing,
Starpeace, I see you growing,
Starpeace, I see you growing,
Starpeace, I see you growing,
Starpeace, I see you growing,
Starpeace, I see you growing,
Starpeace, I see you growing,
Starpeace, I see you growing,
Starpeace, I see you growing,