"papersnow"From no talking just heads
(a. partridge, c. frantz, j. harrison, t. "blast" murray, t. weymouth)
Andy partridge: vocals, whistles and lyricsTina weymouth: backing vocals and bass guitarBlast murray: guitarChris frantz: bongos, drums and loopsJerry harrison: keyboards
Pink confetti, shotgun weddingRocket secrets someone's shreddingNineteenth floor.
Laundry ticket that explodedJoust with quaker pamphlet goadedInto war.
Ankle deep we heroes ambleAnkle deep we wadeAnkle deep through someone else'sTicker tape parade
Softly, softly, softlyFalls papersnow...Softly, softly, softlyAll of our works blow away...
Petals fell on petalumaTill receipt from montezuma'sBurger hut.
Every day a billion dollarsFall as black and white blue-collarsPlough their rut.
Softly, softly, softly
Falls papersnow...Softly, softly, softlyAll of our works blow away...
Ankle deep we heroes ambleAnkle deep we wadeAnkle deep through someone else'sTicker tape parade
Jets folded from wall street journalShoot down cartons care of colonel'sChicken ranch.
Kleenex where the guy's been cryin'Goodbye note from girl who's flyin'To new branch.
Softly, softly, softlyFalls papersnow...Softly, softly, softlyAll of our works blow away...
Letter that I'd meant to send youTo torpedo and up-end youSheet by sheet.
Tore up all the beg and bitterAdd them to the drift of litterOn your street.
Softly, softly, softlyFalls papersnow...Softly, softly, softlyAll of our works blow away...
Ankle deep we heroes ambleAnkle deep we wadeAnkle deep through someone else'sTicker tape parade