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The Welcome Wagon

Тексты песен The Welcome Wagon

Текст песни "Deep Were His Wounds, And Red"

Deep were his wounds, and red, on cruel Calvary,
as on the cross he bled in bitter agony.
But they whom sin has wounded sore find healing in the wounds he bore.
But they whom sin has wounded sore find healing in the wounds he bore.

He suffered shame and scorn and wretched, dire disgrace;
forsaken and forlorn, he hung there in our place.
But all who would from sin be free look to his cross for victory.
But all who would from sin be free look to his cross for victory.

His life, his all he gave when he was crucified;
our burdened souls to save, what fearful death he died!
But each of us, though dead in sin, through Christ's eternal life may win.
But each of us, though dead in sin, through Christ's eternal life may win.

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