brrrriiiinngg. fbrrrrrrrriiing.
Kyle: Two Kings.
Jack: Hey Kage.
Kyle: Hey!
Jack: How's it goin'?
Kyle: Good, good...
Jack: What are you---what are you doin'?
Kyle: Oh, god, I was just, I was---
Jack: I love you.
Kyle: ...what'd you say?
Jack: I said I love you, man. I just wanted to say it.
Kyle: Dude, thanks... thank you... that's awesome. Fuckin' awesome.
I mean, uh... that's cool you can say that.
Jack: Don't you have something to say?
Kyle: No. (pause) Aw, I mean, I, uh, I like you... I like you too, dude.
Jack: Whoa, whoa. LIKE? HO HO HO, MAN! I'm glad I fuckin'
did this test on you, the friendship test!
Kyle: What?
Jack: No, man---
Kyle: What are you talkin' about?
Jack: That---what happened before when I said I love you, that was a test.
Because, man, I could've made a total ASS of myself if I hadn't done this test on you.
*whistles* HOO HOO!
Kyle: Wait, you don't---
Jack: Boy.
Kyle: You don't really love me?
Jack: Dude, listen. You fuckin' passed the test, okay? But BARELY.
You know what you got?
Kyle: What'd I get?
Jack: F+. *click*