Ringo: With my inside outside
looking for a free ride
waiting for the band to come
Chrissie: Is it me or the drummin'
our your guitar strummin'
gotta tell me I'm the only one
Ringo: I wanna sit here, drink beer
I really love you dear but there's a
Rent man at the door
Chrissie: I got new shoes, new dress
hair-do, I guess
you don't love me anymore
Both: Don't Hang Up
Don't Hang Me Up
Ringo: When I'm out there rockin'
I'll be rockin' round the clock and
I will always come home to you
Chr:While yo're downtown playin'
I'll be uptown strayin' cause
that's what lonely women do
Both: Don't Hang Up
Dont Hang Me Up
Both: Love is strange, love is sad
But love is everything we have
It's gone today, gone tomorrow
Why is that the way it have to be
for you and me?
Love is strange, love is sad
But love is everything we have
It's gone today, gone tomorrow
Why is that the way it have to be
for you and me?
Ringo:I got good news/Chr:Bad news
Ringo:The record deal fell through
Chr: Sorry, I'll be out of town
Ringo: Wait dear/Chr:Not here
Don't Hang up
Dont Hang Me Up