The shadow falls across the sky.
The silence sings a lullaby.
The room is spinning. Close my eyes.
Something's gonna happen. (Something's gonna change).
Distant voices call my name. I'm like an insect in a flame.
The darkness overcomes my shame.
Something's gonna happen. Yeah. (Something's gonna change).
Fly away. Find a way to find me.
The night is near and you are here. To take my living breath away.
Dream weaver.
Soul Believer.
Feeding on my nervous fever.
Soul catcher. Body snatcher.
Feel the fever.
Out of sight. Not out of mind.
Love is cruel. Love is blind.
Cast a spell. Drink the wine.
Something's gonna happen. (Something's gonna change).
Taste the danger. Oh so sweet.
Feel the hunger. Feel the heat.
My heart is fallin' at your feet.
Something's gonna happen. Yeah. (Something's gonna change).
Fly away. Find a way to find me.
The night is near and you are here. To take my living breath away.
Dream weaver.
Soul Believer.
Feeding on my nervous fever.
Soul catcher. Body snatcher.
Feel the fever comin' at ya.
Dream weaver.
Soul Believer.
Living on my nervous fever.
Soul catcher. Body snatcher.
Feel the fever.
(Na na na na na na na). Huh ho yeah.
(Na na na na na na na na). Huh ho yeah.
(Na na na na na na na).
Something's gonna happen. Something's gonna change.
(Na na na na na na na). Huh ho yeah.
(Na na na na na na na na). Huh ho yeah.
(Na na na na na na na).