This is the year
It's so weird
I was just about to leave here
To say OK, they finally got me.
I give in
Oh I knew there must be something
meant for me out there
I just didn't know where to begin
You smile and then you lead me into the dance floor
I can feel that something's starting
Starting soon
Been so tired, haven't slept a night since 1994
Doesn't matter now we're on the move
'Cause this is the year, this is
The year it all will happen
It's finally here, I have been waiting
all my life
So put on your coat, it's
Time to go, it's time
For take-off
I think I can say without a doubt
This year is mine
We stumble in the stairs,
We're in a hurry now
No time to see the last song
With the band
'cause the fireworks have started
and the snowflakes
shape my name
don't say a word now
baby, take my hand
'cause this is the year,
this is the year it all will
it's finally here, I have been
waiting all my life
there'll be no mistakes
there's just gonna be one
big departure
this year I will do everything right, this year
is mine
yeah, I'm leaving tonight
Don't know how I know
but I do know that
This is the year, this is the
year it all will happen
It's finally here, what I have
been waiting for all of my
there'll be no mistakes, no
more delays, just one big
Oh baby I don't know how
I guess we'll be
Somewhere out of sight
This year I will do everything right
This year is mine