A lot of things a country boy learns in life
How to shoot a gun, how to use a knife
But when I turned into Hershey, PA
Took my guitar up on the big stage
That night I did the best I could
Me and the boys played pretty damn good
Then I took myself out, sat in the crowd
And I learned how Bocephus shakes 'em down
You gotta hank it, can't sip whiskey gotta drink it
Push it up to ten and crank it
If you wanna keep your women you gotta spank it
Ain't got a boat, you gotta bank it
Live it just like he sings it, you gotta hank it
There was a smokin' little blond sittin' next to me
She said, how'd you make it here from Tennessee
She must've been late and didn't catch my show
But when you play at 7, that's the way it goes
So I tipped my hat and we sang along
To where have all my rowdy friends gone
I climbed up on the bus after the show
Had a shot of Jim Beam then we hit the road
You gotta hank it, can't sip whiskey gotta drink it
Push it up to ten and crank it
If you wanna keep your women gotta spank it
Ain't got a boat, you gotta bank it
Live it just like he sings it, you gotta hank it