Oh darlin', you so good, you're good for me
When you, first met me, first me
Drinkin' was my pastime
In bar room, bar room was my home, was my home
Oh darlin' you come along
You pick me up, you know you
The best thing, the best thing,
I ever had, I ever had, I ever had
Oh darling, oh, oh darling
You're the best thing I ever had
You're good for me, you're good for me
I was drinking, I was drinking, I was drinking, my life away
I didn't know, I didn't know, I didn't know, didn't know what to do
I took drinking, drinking for a pass time
And bar room, bar room, I made it my home, yes I did
Oh hear me out now
Sometimes I get lonely
I go to my neighbourhood, my neighbourhood, my neighbourhood bar
Sit there and drink and drink, passing way time
For the pass time honey, I was so lonely, ‘til you come along
You were the best thing darlin', the best thing, I ever had
I, I wanna thank you for it
Have mercy, drinkin' in bar rooms
You're my only hope, to pass time
You know this?, You know this song the man wrote this song was thinking so deep. Coz I been through it to. Mr Tex Coleman, wrote the thing, Sir John Dewey. I said yeah!
I, I, I, drink and drinkin' for pastime
In bar room, bar room, bar room, bar room, I took it for my home
I, I, sometimes, that would be before I met you babe
I was drinking, drinkin' my life away
Drinkin in bar room, to pass the time away
You come along just in time
You save me, you save me, you save me, you save me
Shared the time, just in time darling
You saved me darling, for pass time, pass time
You save from bar room bar room
Bar room, bar room, and drinkin' the pass time
Aye, I, I, …