Little Moses
Away by the waters so blueThe ladies were winding their wayWhile Pharaoh's little daughter went down to the waterTo bathe in the cool of the dayBefore it was dark she opened the arkAnd found the sweet babe that was there
And away by the waters so blueThe infant was lonely and sadShe took him in pity and thought him so prettyAnd it made little Moses so gladShe called him her own, her beautiful sonAnd she sent for a nurse who was near
And away by the waters so blueThey carried that beautiful childTo his tender mother, to his sister and brothersLittle Moses looked happy and smiledHis mother so good did all that she couldTo raise him and teach him with care
And away by the sea that was redLittle Moses the servant of GodWhile in him confided, the sea was dividedAs upwards he lifted his rodAnd the Jews safely crossed while Pharaoh's hostWas drownded in the waters and lost
And away on a mountain so highThe last that he ever did seeWith Israel victorious, his hopes were most gloriousThat soon all the Jordan be freeWhen his spirit did cease, he departed in peaceAnd rested in the Heavens above