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Jens Lekman
Jens Lekman

Альбом Jens Lekman

Night Falls Over Kortedala (2007)
. . .

There will be no kisses tonight
there will be no holding hands tonight
cause what is now wasn't there before
and should not be

I know I've broken some hearts, I understand
some firecrackers blow up in your hand
oh I f**ked up, I've always tried to be true

But I would never kiss anyone
who doesn't burn me like the sun
and I remember every kiss
like my first kiss
like my first kiss

When I think back on that night
it was lovely
vital aching
in your dad's 240
but I would like to keep the memory
of that kiss as it is

Things get more complicated when you're older
before you know it you are somebody's soldier
you get a gun and you name it
after a girlfriend

But I swear I'll never kiss anyone
who doesn't burn me like the sun
and I will cherish every kiss
like my first kiss
like my first kiss
like my first kiss

. . .

You remember your first kiss?
Well how can I forget?
My hand still shivers
from the very thought of it

Well sometimes I almost regret it
like I regret my regrets
I see myself on my deathbed saying
"I wish I would have loved less"

But that's when the feeling hits
so just lick your lips
these are the good times that you'll miss
when you are sipping on the sweet nectars
of your memories

Just take a sip
and let it wet your lips
you won't understand all this until you're
sipping on the sweet nectar of your memories

Last night I ran into my old life
still waiting for someone at the station
someone who never made it into my new life
so I called up Lisa
'cause she's my only friend
"Lisa I don't know anymore,
every heartbeat needs a reason"

She said
"That's when the feeling hits
so just lick your lips
can you smell the spring time in the breeze
you gotta start sipping on the sweet nectars
of your memories"

I take a sip
I let it wet my lips
I think back on that kiss
I gotta start sipping on the sweet nectar

That's when the feeling hits

. . .

I took my sister down to the ocean
but the ocean made me feel stupid
those words of wisdom I had prepared
all seemed to vanish into thin air
into the waves I stared

I picked up a sea-shell
to illustrate my homelessness
but a crab crawled out of it
making it useless

And all my metaphors fell flat
down on the rocks where we sat
she asked where are you at?

But sister, it's the opposite of hallelujah
it's the opposite of being you
you don't know cause it just
passes right through you
you don't know what I'm going through

You don't know what I'm going through
you don't know what I'm going through
you don't know what I'm going through

We made our way home on the bikes we had borrowed
I still never told you about unstoppable sorrow
you still think I'm someone to look up to
I still don't know anything about you
is it in you too?

You've got so much to live for, little sister
You've got so much to live for

But sister, it's the opposite of hallelujah
it's the opposite of being you
you don't know cause it just
passes right through you
you don't know what I'm going through

You don't know what I'm going through
you don't know what I'm going through
you don't know what I'm going through
you don't know what I'm going through

. . .

Nina I can be your boyfriend
so you can stay with your girlfriend
Your father is a sweet old man
but it is hard for him to understand
that you wanna love a woman
Nina I can be your boyfriend
if it puts an end to all this nonsens
First time I see you in Berlin
And you don't tell me anyting
Until outside your dad's apartment

Oh God, Jesus Christ
I try to focus on your eyes
we're having dinner with your family now
keep a steady look at your left eyebrow

If it's raised, it means yes,
If it's not it means take a guess
Hey! You! Stop kicking my legs
I'm doing my best
can you pass the eggs

Your father puts on my record
he sais: so tell me how you met her
I get embarrassed and change the subject
and put my hand on some metal object
He laugs and says that's a liedetector

he Takes out the booklet and starts reading
So i heard you're moving out next season
I say: Yeah, New York is nice that time of year
almost as green as it is here
He says: I thought you were moving to Sweden?

Oh God, what have I done?
i came to Berlin to have som fun
then it turned into buffalo 66
on your fathers wall a big crucifix
guess thats why he wont let u go
his catholic heart is big and slow
you know I'll do anything for love
but Nina what were you thinking of?

But Nina I can be your boyfriend
So you can stay with your girlfriend
Your father is mailing me all the time
He says he just wants to say hi
I send back "out of office, auto-replies"

Nina I just want to check in
'cause I think about you every second
So I send you this postcard just to say
Don't let anyone stand in your way
Yours truly, Jens Lekman

Don't let anyone stand in your way
Don't let anyone stand in your way
Don't let anyone stand in your way
Don't let anyone stand in your way

. . .

íf i had to choose a moment in time
to take with me into eternity
i would choose this,
this moment with you in my arms
i know we've lost the final battle
i know we are prisoners,
i can hear chains rattle
but im a prisoner of this moment with

you in my arms
you in my arms
you in my arms
you in my arms

i have a love
i have a love for this world,
a kind of love that will break my heart
a kind of love that reconstructs and remodels the past
that adds a dryness to the dry august grass
that adds the sunshine to the magnifying glass
and makes me fight for something that cant last

you in my arms
you in my arms
you in my arms
you in my arms

if i had to choose a moment in time
to take with me into eternity
i'd choose this moment with you in my arms

you in my arms
you in my arms
you in my arms

. . .

i am leaving you
because i don't love you
i am leaving you
because i don't love you

well it's the knowledge,
it's the knowledge,
it's the knowledge
of future clarity
that makes my voice tremble
with greater dignity

i am leaving you
because i don't love you
i am leaving you
because i don't love you

i'm sorry i have to be this
brutally honest, nicole
but my excuses were babies
of snow that i just could not hold

so you pick up your asthma inhaler
and put it against your lips
and oh those lips i've loved
that i was dreaming of
they're so red and soft
i'm so sorry i couldn't love you enough
i'm so sorry i couldn't love you enough
i'm so sorry that i'm leaving you
because i don't love you
i am leaving you
because i don't love you

so pick up your asthma inhaler
and put it against your lips
oh, those lips i've loved that i was dreaming of
they're still red and soft
i'm so sorry i couldn't love you enough
so sorry i couldn't love you enough

i'm so sorry

. . .

If I could cry
it would feel like this

If I could cry
it would feel like this

Oh If I could cry
if I could cry
if I could cry
if I could cry
it would feel like this

If I could cry
it would feel like this

If I could cry
it would feel like this

If I could cry
if I could cry
if I could cry
if I could cry
it would feel like this

. . .

i was slicing up an avocado
when you came up behind me
with your quiet brand new sneakers
your reflection i did not see
it was the hottest day in august
and we were heading for the sea
for a second my mind started drifting

you put your arms around me
you put your arms around me
you put your arms around

blood sprayed on the kitchen sink
whats this? i had time to think
i see the tip of my index finger
my mind is slowly creating a link
from your mouth speaks your lovely voice
the best comments ive ever heard
oh honey you've cut off your finger

i bet thats gotta hurt
you put your arms me
you put your arms me
you put your arms around

i must've passed out on the porch
id never seen so many bright stars
when i wake up im in the waiting room
of the local e.r.
my hand is wrapped in toilet paper
and my shirts all blood red
i see you standing there like an angel

and i say baby i must be dead
you put your arms around me
you put your arms around me
you put your arms around me

. . .

Shirin Shirin Shirin Shirin
Shirin Shirin Shirin Shirin

When Shirin cuts my hair
it’s like a love affair
Let those locks fall to the ground
or let them stay there

I show her my passport
what I look like
But she just smiles and lets me know
it’s gonna be all right

Shirin Shirin Shirin Shirin
Shirin Shirin Shirin Shirin

When Shirin cuts my hair
her mama's sitting in the rocking chair
She tells me stories from the war
in Iraq cause they were there

Shirin pulls my head to the side
but in the mirror I can see
a tear in her eye

Shirin Shirin Shirin Shirin
Shirin Shirin Shirin Shirin

Your hands are soft
your hands are soft just like silk
You're a drop of blood
You're a drop of blood in my glass of milk

Your hands are soft
your hands are soft just like silk
You're a drop of blood
You're a drop of blood in my glass of milk

When Shirin does her magic
to my frizzy straws
Immigration and tax represantatives
stumbled upon the lot
But what if it reaches the government
that you have a beauty salon
in your own apartment

I won’t tell anyone!
Shirin Shirin Shirin Shirin
I won’t tell anyone!
Shirin Shirin Shirin Shirin
I won’t tell anyone!

. . .

The Spanish girl pointed at me and said, "silencio"
Making a little gesture as if switching off a radio
Sliding her fingers 'cross her lips as if shutting a zipper
And I clearly got the message; I didn't need to ask her

Making the reverse zipper 'cross my lips, opening for conversation
Signaling the international sign of reckless contemplation
Shrugging her shoulders and lifting up the hand that rested on her thigh
Her middle finger extended until its simple message could not be denied

I turned 17 and I swore to never speak a word again
But then someone came along and ruined everything
It was a strange time in my life

People seem to think a shy personality equals gifted
But if they would get to know one I'm sure that idea would have shifted
Most shy people I know are extremely boring
Either that or they are miserable from all the shit they've been storing

I turned 17 and I swore to never speak a word again
But then someone came along and ruined everything
It was a strange time in my life

I had a good time at the party when everyone had left
I flirted with a girl in sign language 'cause she was deaf

It was a strange time in my life
It was a strange time in my life

. . .

I saw on TV about this little kid
Who had a pig for a pet
His mom had once been attacked by a dog
So a pig was the closest thing he could get

This has of course nothing to do with anything
I just get so nervous when I'm talking to you
All I think about everyday is just kissing you
An old feeling that feels refreshingly new


Kanske är jag kär i dig

I offered you some chocolate
You declined so sweetly and commented on my jacket
"It makes you look like a lumberjack, but are you man enough to wear it?"
I said, "It used to be my grand-grandfather's, what could I do but inherit it?"

My words are just c-c-c-coming out all wrong
I sure could use a little help
I think I'm gonna drop my cool now
The best way to touch your heart is to make an ass of myself

Kanske är jag...

. . .

In a tiny tiny southern Swedish country town
two acres of field and a gas station
riding on my moped, looking for fun
staring into the blood red sun

on the country road is a boulevard
with neon lights and night open bars
in my jacket a pack of playing cards
just jacks, jokers, and the queen of hearts

my heart is beating, beating like Ringo
as I pull into the drive-in bingo

why do the people in the country wanna look like the people in the city?
when the people in the city aren't the slightest pretty I want the people in the country to wear flannel shirts and saggy jeans all covered in dirt
I want the people in the country to be open and kind
but most times I've met those with a narrow mind
with a big black dog to bite your behind
if htey ever find out you're not one of their kind
all these thoughts as I open up a zingo
Friday night at the drive-in bingo

so this is what they do out here for fun?
they play bingo and let their engines run?
tonight's jackpot is a pig, hey that's criminal!
G-42! ooh, I'm going diagonal!

I'm gonna gather up a few of my friends
as many fits into an army tent
just bring our savings and a bottle of wine
to the Friday night's reversal of time!
this little south-west village shouldn't cost that much
maybe a handful of silver or a hundred bucks
we could have wild wild parties in that big old lodge and the windmill's perfect for movies and such
we could fake our deaths to get insurance money and take on hippie names
I'd be Snowphish, you'd be Sunny, we could start a little farm with little white bunnies
just cause watching them copulate is very funny

there's a cow and an ostrich just waiting for you!
a glass of apple cider just waiting for you!
the smell of 1952 just waiting for you!
and all I'm doing here is just waiting for you...

a daydream, I'm caught up in limbo
Friday night at the drive-in bingo

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