I want music that tears itself apart and takes the lot of you with it
I need a catchy tune like I need a bullet in the heart
So come on, old and young, sing while your teeth grind through your tongues
We're making music that tears itself apart
I want sobs that shake my spine like an earthquake
I want to laugh like cities crashing down
While a thousand slender dames keep chanting out my name
So loud the gods will never forget my sound
I'll practice breathing fire in missile silos
All the ambassadors admire me for my tact
See, I've sailed the seven seas and every port's made of ricotta cheese
And it's time we start acknowledging the fact
I want music that tears itself apart
Yeah, I need a catchy tune like I need a bullet in the heart
So come on, old and young, sing while your teeth grind through your tongues
We're making music that tears itself apart
I'll roll the earth into a fag and smoke it
Just after I've made love to the sky
Have a little chat with time before I choke it
And teach all the earthworms how to fly
I've got an army of lunatics armed with CB radios patrolling the subways
And a warehouse full of underpaid workers transcribing everything they say
So if you're lucky and I feel the itch, maybe I'll go through those manuscripts
And publish the Great American Novel someday
I want music that tears itself apart and takes the lot of you with it
Yeah, I need a catchy tune like I need a bullet in the heart
So come on, old and young, sing while your teeth grind through your tongues
We're making music that tears itself apart
That's right, come on, old and young, sing while your teeth grind through your tongues
We're making music that tears itself apart