From a dense forest of tall dark pinewood
Mount Ida rises like an island.
Within a hidden cave, nymphs had kept a child:
Hermaphroditus, son of gods, so afraid of their love.
As the dawn creeps up the sky,
The hunter caught sight of a doe.
In desire for conquest,
He found himself within a glade he'd not beheld before.
Where are you, my father?
Give wisdom to your son.
And as his strength began to fail,
He saw a shimmering lake.
a shadow in the dark green depths
Disturbed the strange tranquility.
The waters are disturbed.
Some creature has been stirred.
As he rushed to quench his thirst,
A fountain spring appeared before him.
And as his heated breath brushed through the cool mist
A liquid voice called, "Son of gods, drink from my spring."
The water tasted strangely sweet.
Behind him the voice called again.
He turned and saw her, in a cloak of mist alone,
And as he gazed, her eyes were filled with the darkness of the lake.
We shall be one.
We shall be joined as one.
Away from me, cold-blooded woman.
Your thirst is not mine.
Nothing will cause us to part.
Hear me, O Gods!
Unearthly calm ascended from the sky
And then their flesh and bones were strangely merged.
Forever to be joined as one.
The creature crawled into the lake.
A fading voice was heard:
"And I beg, yes I beg, that all who touch this spring
May share my fate."
We are the one.
We are the one.
Both had given everything they had.
A lover's dream had been fulfilled at last.
Forever still beneath the lake.