With the sun shining down,
At the fleadhs and the feis's and the fairs;
At the weddings and wakes
And the sports by the lakes,
I played tunes til the dawn of the day.
And by the auld Dublin Bridge,
I played reels and slip jigs
As me fingers they danced up and down.
Now, I long for the day
When again I would play
The old squeezebox from Mullingar Town
I remember the day
When I earned my first pay,
I went off to the second hand shop.
I paid ten shillings down
And each week half a crown
Til I paid for me red button box.
And I practiced each day
Til I learned how to play,
Til me fingers could dance up and down.
In my little bedroom,
I learned my first tune
On me squeezebox in Mullingar Town.
Each year on the day,
I went off to play
With the feis at the grand County Hall.
And feeling right proud,
With a mighty fine crowd
Of three hundred and fifty in all.
Step dancers, galore
Who could burn up the floor
Fine musicians made beautiful sounds.
But they all came to see
Young Dolan and me
On me squeezebox in Mullingar Town
By the old Market Square,
My place I'd take there
With the chimes of the Bell Tower clock.
Where I'd lay down me cap
And button me strap
And I'd tune and shine up me box:
"Ah, you're a fine decent man,"
And "God Bless you, Madame."
Sure some days, I'd near make a pound
In the shade of the wall,
Next to the second hand stall
On me squeezebox in Mullingar Town.
Now, me suit is well-pressed
And I'll be well-dressed
For I'm going back home there again.
And I'll catch a fast plane,
Take the Mullingar train
For I miss all my family and friends.
Now, I bet all the boys
Have children and wives.
Sure, it's near time that I settled down.
And, I'll be back to stay
Forever to play
Me old squeezebox from Mullingar Town.
In Mullingar Town,
With the sun shining down,
At the fleadhs and the feis's and the fairs;
At the weddings and wakes
And the sports by the lakes,
I'll play tunes til the dawn of the day.
And by the auld Dublin Bridge,
I'll play reels and slip jigs
And me fingers will dance up and down.
I'll be back home to stay,
Forever to play
The old squeezebox from Mullingar Town