I saw you in the hallway,
I bet that's what they all say,
you probably didn't even notice i was the loser,
who was staring at my shoes and couldn't think of nothing to say.
I'm on the runway,
of a flight that's going one way,
on "cross your finger" airlines.
I'm picking up the pace,
getting nervous in the worst way, here goes nothing
I saw her walking over,
now that shes slowly moving closer,
wrote her a letter 'bout a week ago 'n', to my surprise
she replied and said:
You can hold me once, You can hold me twice,
even better if the stars are good tonight.
You can hold me, be my one and only,
this is the reply to the letter you wrote me.
You told me to meet you after gym class,
but i forgot to get a hall pass,
and got sent to the office.
You tried to call me,
asked everyone around who saw me,
they didn't even notice.
You're on your way now,
moving with your parents to some hick town,
a thousand miles away.
I'm in the playground,
and there's so much i could say now,
I still remember when.
It's been awhile since we said "hi",
three hundred and sixty five days have gone by now,
and i could paint of picture of you.
I see you every time i pass your locker,
remember the time we talked 'till six a.m.
and i'm tired of missing you