להאמין, להאמין בכל הטוב שבעולם הזה.
להאמין, להאמין שיש סיכוי עוד לעולם הזה.
להאמין באהבה, שלא אבדה לנו תקווה,
To have a dream,
To have a dream that maybe
One day we can find the way.
To have a dream,
To have a dream that people help
Each other on a cloudy day.
To have a dream of you and me,
Living together feeling free,
To have a dream of love.
To have a dream…
להאמין, להאמין בכל הטוב שבעולם הזה.
I do believe, I do believe that
Maybe one day we can find the way
I do believe that love will rise
And shine again before our eyes
I still believe in life
To believe
Leha'amin, leha'amin be-xol ha-tov љe-ba-olam ha-ze.
Leha'amin, leha'amin љe-yeљ sikuy od la-olam ha-ze.
Leha'amin ba-ahava, љe-lo avda lanu tikva,
To have a dream,
To have a dream that maybe
One day we can find the way.
To have a dream,
To have a dream that people help
Each other on a cloudy day.
To have a dream of you and me,
Living together feeling free,
To have a dream of love.
To have a dream…
Leha'amin, leha'amin be-xol ha-tov љe-ba-olam ha-ze.
I do believe, I do believe that
Maybe one day we can find the way
I do believe that love will rise
And shine again before our eyes
I still believe in life
To believe
I do believe, I do believe that you and I
Can change the world some day
I do believe, I do believe against all odds
That we can find the way
I do believe that love will rise,
And shine again before our eyes
I do believe
To have a dream
To have a dream, to hold it in our hearts
And see it through
To have a dream
To have a dream, impossible but still,
It will come true
To have a dream of you and me
Living in peace and harmony
To have a dream of love
To have a dream…
I do believe
I do believe
I still believe in life