What a perfect night
Secrets lights up the sky
Like fireflies do
Thereґs nothing but a silky hope
That old opiate
Between me and you
Donґt look now
Weґre just about there
Weґre just one little breath away
From our affair
From our affair
Donґt move too fast
Donґt run scared
Weґre just one surrender away
From our affair
Donґt you feel like
Youґre coming down with something
Some great fancy flu
Donґt you feel like youґre
Coming down with me
And it doesnґt get sicker than you
Donґt you feel like this is the really good part
Where itґs still up in the air
The perfect romance is never
Stated or sated, deflated or fair
Donґt admit it yet
And donґt stop saying your prayers
Weґre just one little heartbeat away
From our affair
From our affair
Thereґs a light in my window
And a little red ladybug in my hair
Just one turn down an empty street
Away,away, away
From our affair
From our affair
Thereґs a white-hot desire
Of which I am pleasantly aware
Just one more "wait a minute baby"
Away, away, away, away
From our affair
From our affair
From our affair