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Billy Bragg
Billy Bragg

Тексты песен Billy Bragg

Текст песни "Chile Your Waters Run Red Through Soweto"

Chile your water runs read
Through Soweto
If you heard about chile
Then you heard about Soweto
Where the blood of oppression
Runs deep as the mines

Chile your water runs red
Through Soweto
The hand that choked
The spirit of Allende
Pulls the trigger of a gun
On the children of Soweto

Chile your waters run red
Through Soweto
The hand that cut short
the song of Viictor Jara
Put young Steven Biko
in a dusty hill grave

LyricsChile your water runs red
through Soweto
The hand of oppression
is the hand of hunger
The waters of Chile
lap the shores of cape fear

Chile your water runs red
through Soweto
The same hand
The same water

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