2:30 pm, i jumped off the welfare wagon
to meet you for lunch. you sit like a thai princess...
cold and captivating. you divulge your latest secret.
(so sinister - i cannot repeat)
from my eyes flows glacier water.
from my soul, sick obscenities.
i died eating french fries
in the restaurant on the corner,
where you broke me heart.
i cried 'cause i bit my tongue
knowing the truth would wash over you
like a rash.
annihilation of my self-respect and cash flow
before my eyes - right here in this booth.
through this blinding hatred i see a lady on my right.
she winked at me and said, "run for your life!"
from my eyes flows glacier water.
from my soul, sick obscenities.
i died eating french fries
in the restaurant on the corner,
where you broke me heart.
i cried 'cause i bit my tongue
knowing the truth would wash over you
like a rash.
i hereby use my glacier water
to wash away the remorse and the stain.
behind these eyes i'm my mother's daughter.
hard, hidden shame:
and you'll never see me again!