Anthony, bullied at school
Get your own back now you are cool
Or are you scared you're bunking off though you're a toff (?)
It's all gone wrong again, you've got Double Maths
But the teacher's got no control
The boys all run riot
"You all stay quiet or you will die"
Tony, the back of the gym
Smoke another one, your chances are slim,
'Cause here they come again
And they got you on the ground
You're tasting blood again
At least it's your own
When will you realise it doesn't pay
To be smarter than teachers, smarter than most boys
"Shut your mouth, start kicking the football"
Bang on the teeth you are off for a week, boy (?)
You may as well take it in the guts, it could get worse
Just take it in the guts, it could get worse
Just take it in the guts, it could get worse
Just take it in the guts, it could get worse
Oh but hey, you'll soon be old enough to leave them all
And without a notion of a care
You'll leave two fingers in the air
To linger there
Tony, you're a bit of a mess
Melted Tolberone under your dress
But if the kids could see you they would pass you right by
Your blue mascara's running over your eye
Why don't you realise it doesn't pay
To be smarter than teachers, smarter than most boys
"Shut your mouth, start kicking the football"
Bang on the teeth you were off for a week boy (?)
They call you Lord Anthony but hey, it could be worse
Lord Anthony but hey, it could be worse
Lord Anthony but hey, it could be worse
Lord Anthony but hey, it kind of suits you anyway
You'll soon be old enough to leave them there
Without a notion of a care
You'll leave two fingers in the air
To linger there