Oh, listen, sister
I love my mister man
And I can't tell you why
There is no reason why I should love that man
It mus' be somethin' that de angels have planned
Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly
I gotta love one man till I die
Can't help lovin' that man of mine
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow
Tell me I'm crazy, maybe I know
Can't help lovin' that man of mine
When he goes away, that's a rainy day
And when he comes back that day is fine
The sun will shine!
He can come home as late as can be
Home without him ain't no home to me
Can't help lovin' that man of mine
I, I first heard that song when Ava Gardner sang it in the movie, because I had no idea that it came from a Broadway show, 'cause I went to the movies long before I ever went to the theater. Who knew from the theater? I'd go to the Loewe's kings in Flatbush, every Saturday to escape into a world of fantasy and also because they had the greatest mellowrolls. a mellowroll was this little ice-cream log, a lot of you must know that, wrapped in paper that sat on a cone. Anyway, I'll never forget, uh, when I was thirteen... some things improve with age... this friend of my named Barbara Sankell, who knew that I wanted to be an actress, told me about this actor named Marlon Brando, who was in a movie called Guys and Dolls, which I also didn't know was from a Broadway play. And so I went to see it, and it was truly a life altering experience, seeing Marlon Brando for the first time. It was the only movie that I ever sat through twice just to get to see him again and to have another mellowroll. Anyway, I'll never forget this song...