The Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players
"Middle America"

Who are these men from your Middle America
Their political views they are cause for hysteria

Sometimes (sometimes)
Sometimes (sometimes)
Sometimes (sometimes)

They drive motorcycles but as boys they rode bikes
Their social position will reveal their dislikes to you

Sometimes (sometimes)
Sometimes (sometimes)
Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes

Better than some I’ve got a lot to learn
I’m driving pickup toward the city, and I’m not very good
You’ve got your panoramic vision but you just can’t see
The inequalities that are in front of you that’s the letter E
You’re in solitude confinement here, in the office space from hell

Who are these men from your Middle America
Five million ten million middle American

Sometimes (sometimes)
Sometimes (sometimes)
Sometimes (sometimes)

If they show some concern it’s probably just a front
I don’t know, no left turns, no turns, that’s what they want from you

Sometimes (sometimes)
Sometimes (sometimes)
Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes

Revoke all their licenses, do it permanently
Or just suspend their bleeding licenses do it temporarily
You can put them in jail or just let them alone
He sure does know he’s a blow hard frankly I don’t know
There are lousy there’s some good some bad
But none as good as I am

You’ve got your master plan for your Middle America
Like crashing my van into Middle America

Sometimes (sometimes)
Sometimes (sometimes)
Sometimes (sometimes)

The panoramic vision it is turning on
Pardon me sir while I drive back on over you

Sometimes (sometimes)
Sometimes (sometimes)
Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes

So they hit the breaks hard and of course swerve to the right
So you can be a circle or a triangle for life
More education before licensing’s stiffer penalties
Remedial education for violators
Or D all of these

Your A, excellent
B, passable
Or C, just flunk yourself now!